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Afina Quartel
December 26, 1944 - September 7, 2014
<div itemprop="description">QUARTEL &ndash; Afina Willemina (Nee Zuidhof)<br />December 26, 1933 &ndash; September 7, 2014<br /><br />Called to her eternal home by her Heavenly Father, we lovingly remember Afina, a loving wife to Jack, for almost sixty years. <br /><br />She was born in Oterdum, The Netherlands. Immigrating to Canada in 1951 with her family, they resided in Taber working in the sugar beets for one year. Red Deer was the next place of residence where she met Jack. She was a nursing aid in the Red Deer Hospital until just after they were married. They exchanged wedding vows on October 29, 1954 and spent many wonderful years together. <br /><br />Living on an acreage outside of Red Deer, they ran a trucking business together and raised a family. In 1978, they moved back into Red Deer in the Pines and in 2009, moved to their present condominium home. She was a wonderful mother and homemaker. She made many wonderful meals, enjoyed reading, handicrafts such as sewing, knitting and crocheting. In earlier years, she sang in the &ldquo;Song Birds&rdquo;, a church choir and served as a Calvinette Counselor for young girls. She loved taking time for the elderly and spent many hours volunteering each week at the Red Deer Nursing Home, and also delivered many &ldquo;Meals on Wheels&rdquo; with Jack. <br /><br />Afina loved people, and visiting, and cared deeply for them! She had a deep faith and tried to encourage those around her gently in their faith whether it was her children, grandchildren, friends or church family. <br /><br />She is lovingly remembered by her husband, Jack; John and Donna Quartel of Lacombe and their children, Sarah, Michael (and Kristin), Laura; Harvey and Trudy Quartel of Sturgeon County and their children, Stephanie (and Carmelo), Bradley and Matthew; Marion and Don Reitsma of Alhambra and their children, Marisa (and Devon Prins and their child &ndash; Landon), Michelle (and Shae Lowther and their child &ndash; Reece), Krystal; and Mike Quartel of Red Deer. <br /><br />She is also survived by her sister Grieta Winter of Red Deer and her sister-in-law Rika Zuidhof of Taber, as well as Jack&rsquo;s siblings: Adri Boer of Zuid Byerland, Sien Blok of Emmeloord, and Ella &amp; Wim Tuk of Klaaswaal &ndash; all of The Netherlands, along with numerous nieces, nephews, and friends. <br /><br />A Graveside Service will be held at Alto Reste Cemetery, Red Deer, on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. for family members and close friends.<br /><br />A Memorial Service will take place at the First Christian Reformed Church, 16 McVicar Street, Red Deer on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.<br /><br />In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made in Afina&rsquo;s honour to the CFGB (Canadian Food Grains Bank). <br /></div>
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Other commemerative products available for purchase include:
  • A Keepsake Book

  • Best Regards,

    Eventide Funeral Chapel & Crematorium
